Life’s Little Moments (True Story)

Posted: July 22, 2011 in Uncategorized

Many people have inspired me to not only change myself but to help others change as well.  Many years ago a wonderful person challenged my beliefs about myself and what is possible in this life.  As I now reflect back I am reminded that during my journey that it is life’s little moments that have the most impact on us.  These little wonders that occur serve as catalyst for change.  We don’t realize it at the time or even feel anything wallowing inside of us, but unknown to us the course of our lives are changed.  One of these moments just happened for me today and I caught it.

To preface the letter that I am about to share, it was sent to recently after a long, stressful day of work.  Normally I would not have opened the letter after a day like that but I felt compelled to read it.  It was sent to me from my brother who lives in another state and I was interested on its content.  What I read reminded me that life is not as busy as I believe it to be, that what I labeled as success and achievement may have blinded me from some of the most beautiful gifts available.  Read along…

Dear Friends and Family,

I hope this letter finds you all well.  I am writing each of you asking for help concerning a burning desire God has placed in my heart.  God has blessed my family with the opportunity to meet and become friends with an amazing couple (names removed for privacy).  This couple is one of the most inspirational people I have ever met.  Their lives are earnestly and completely devoted to God.  They love people with an openness and transparency that is rarely found in today’s world.  They put themselves last consistently and give so much of themselves so others can have more.

This couple has two little girls.  These two little ones have such a heart for God that it will dumbfound you.  When they see an ambulance, they pray for the passengers and their families.  When they have a meal, they pray for those in countries that have nothing.   These two little ones (5 and 8, I think) are truly remarkable in their walk with Christ and their love for others.  And, I believe, a huge testament to how wonderfully they have been raised.
Because of this, it came as no surprise to me when I was told that this couple had been led by the Holy Spirit to adopt a child from Uganda.  After careful prayer they decided it was undeniable what God was calling them to do and so they began the process.  They soon learned that the adoption would cost approximately $30,0000.  This would become a real obstacle considering that the husband is a youth minister (which we all know doesn’t bring in the big $$$) and the wife was a stay at home mom who helped with the church as much as she could.  So they decided that they would do all that they possibly could and just count on God to take care of the rest.  With that decision made, they sold one of their two vehicles, cut out all non-essentials (cable tv, eating out, etc), and the wife obtained a job. 
Now please, just imagine the heart and faith it must take to follow Gods call in this way.  Two children, two jobs, one car, no luxury…all in the hopes to give one child a chance at a better life.  If only we all had this heart and devotion.  I pray that I myself will one day reach this point of absolute dedication.  Nonetheless, they have stayed their course and God has provided when they needed.  Now as they reach the final stages of this journey, God has laid it upon my heart to do what I can and I am praying that you can (and will) help.  I have decided to put together a yard sale at my house three Saturdays from today in which every cent that we collect will be given to this couple in help of their adoption.  My wife and I will be donating all that we have in our attic and garage that isn’t being actively used.  But we need more…a lot more.  So, I ask you, first consult God in prayer considering this and if He leads you to do so, please donate anything that you can that may sit in your attic or garage that you could part with.  To complete the adoption process, their family will have to fly to Uganda and stay for approximately 3 weeks.  It is my goal to raise enough to cover the airline tickets.  I understand this is a huge goal to accomplish with just a yard sale and some e-mails.  But with the help of the same God that fed thousands with just a couple of fish ANYTHING is possible!!!
So again, I ask you to prayerfully consider any help that you may be able to provide.  I would be glad to arrange a time that you could drop things off at my home  or a time/place for me to come pick them up if dropping them off is not an option.  Also, as many of you know, I only have cars in my household.  So, some of you guys with trucks, I may need your help in picking things up from individuals who want to donate things that I can’t handle by myself.  Just let me know if you can help.
Lastly, I would like to make it clear that this couple has NO KNOWLEDGE of this and I would prefer to keep it that way until the day of the yard sale.  So, if you receive this e-mail and happen to know them, please don’t ruin the surprise that is in store for them.  And finally, I would ask that if you have anyone in your contact list that you believe would like to help, please forward this e-mail accordingly.  But do please use discretion since I have provided much of my personal information.
Thank each of you for taking the time to read this and I pray that you will prayerfully consider this request.  May God Bless you all.
In Christ I am,
B. Bearden
My life became a series of events that made me forget some of the greatest gifts that we have been given.  All of us have been given opportunities to live a life filled with passion and purpose.  Our greatest gift back is to live that life and to give back to as many as we can.  We are all connected as one, humans to animals, plants to structures, unified by one source….whatever name you may give it.  Together we all must stand as that one power.  You may not be as compelled to give in such a manner, but even offering smiles to strangers can change the world, one step at a time.  So be kind to others and give from what you have.  If it is knowledge, teach others.  If it is money, donate what you feel right.  If it is love, then warm the world with your embrace.  Just remember that these moments are the ones you will cherish the most in the end.
Be Well.
To Your Success…
Brian Bearden
Founder of Journey Higher
If you wish to help this couple by donating, please contact me at to learn more.  Thank you.
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